Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 74 - Home Alone

Most of my very worst binges have happened when I was home alone. Yet, today I am home alone all day long but I know, with absolute certainty, that I won't binge today. It's not even a remote possibility. So why is this?

Here are the reasons I will not binge today...

1) I have had a great week, and I am weighing in tomorrow morning and I don't want to mess it up!
2) I have a 10km race tomorrow morning and if I binge today, I will have an wonky stomach and it will make me sluggish.
3) I feel strong and thin right now and I am wearing my skinny jeans!

And on the days when I have binged, here are some of the conditions that are usually present....

1) My next weigh in is several days away and I convince myself I will have time to "reverse the damage"...
2) I have maybe already gone over my calorie allowance that day, for a planned special occasion or a meal out, so I have that "what the hell, I've already messed up my day" attitude...
3) I didn't exercise that day.

What this tells me is this: Maybe I should weigh myself more frequently; perhaps when I have a planned treat like a restaurant meal, I should be careful to not be alone after; and plan to exercise on days that I know I will be overeating. Sounds easy... but if you are reading this blog, you probably know that it is NOT!

Since I will be away for the weekend, and I will miss my weigh-in on Monday... I have decided to weigh myself on Saturday morning before I leave, and on Tuesday morning when I am back home. I will record the lowest of the two weights here for my "weigh-in".... but at least by weighing on Tuesday I might avoid having that free for all attitude over the weekend!

I ate well yesterday, except for my dessert after dinner... I had 17 Reese's Malt Balls!! It was planned, and it fit into my calories for the day, but I know they were empty calories. Sometimes, you just need to eat empty calories though.. for the fun of it! And boy were they good!! I counted them out and put them in a little bowl, and while I was savouring them with my coffee after dinner, I thought to myself: usually, when I eat a treat like this, it is while I am hidden in a corner, or in the basement - stuffing them in my face, as fast as a I can... and boy were they ever better eaten slowly, with the coffee out in the open and with NO GUILT ATTACHED!

After dinner, before my snack, I ran 6km in about 38 minutes.

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