Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 66 - I did it again!

Well, I am going out for dinner in a restaurant tonight (sigh)... I don't even want to, I'd much rather eat at home. I have a ton of beautiful fresh veggies in the fridge that I need to use up! But, we were invited, and "I don't want to eat too many calories" doesn't seem like a very nice reason to refuse a dinner invitation.

So, I did it again... I couldn't help myself.... I weighed myself this morning. It's like I want to get the "good" number before I go and mess it all up! Well, I weighed 141.4 ?!?!?!? huh??? On Monday (three days ago!) I weighed 144.4! Three pounds in three days! Monday must have been a "false" high or something... very strange.

So anyway, here's my dilemna. Do I try to be REALLY good at dinner, and stay under my calorie target for the day (I would have about 600 calories available for dinner... not a lot for a restaurant). Or, do I take another unplanned "free day". I kind of want to do the "free day".... I would still have Fri-Sun to be good before my official weigh-in on Monday, and I am obviously (according to my interim weigh-in) doing well this week. BUT, it just seems like a bit too close to my "free meal" that I took last Friday night (less than a week apart)... and I really don't want to be left with that guilty, regret feeling after you overeat...

I don't even know what restaurant we are going to yet (somebody else is picking) so it is very very hard to plan! To top it all off, today was supposed to be my "rest day" from exercise. Not a good idea to take your rest day the same day as a big restaurant meal. But, I ran 5km yesterday and the day before. I don't want to overdo it, because I have a big 14km distance coming up on Sunday.

Phew... I have a lot of issues, don't I??

Here's what I ate yesterday... a good day. When I got home from my run after dinner, I sat down and entered all my food into Calorie King... and low and behold, I was about 150 calories too low for the day (LOVE IT when that happens)... I wasn't that hungry, but I just don't like seeing less that 1200, especially when its a running day, so I had a snack before bed. I didn't feel hungry before I made the snack, but once I took a few bites, I realized that I WAS hungry afterall... and I could have eaten my snack times 10!!!

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