Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 56 - Feelin' Skinny!!

I had another great weekend (I'm really on a roll) and I am feeling thin! I'm at the point now where I know I don't really look seriously overweight anymore. Although I still have about 10-15lbs to lose... they are mostly vanity pounds. My current height and weight puts me in a pretty normal, healthy category. So although, I will keep going until I hit my target, I am feeling pretty good.

I navigated the weekend very well. I had a dinner out at my Mom and Dads, I kept my breakfast and lunch on the low side, since I didn't know what they would serve. They made a big turkey dinner with all the fixins, but I limited my portions, and they served fresh fruit for dessert, which was great. It was higher than my usual dinner, but it was a training day for me, and I did a 10km run in the morning. My GPS tells me that I burned 775 calories (based on a formula using my age and weight) so to me this means I can eat a little extra... even if the calorie burn estimate is high (which I suspect it is...).

Here is my weekend recap:

Friday: 1284 Calories, ran 7km
Saturday: 1228 Calories, 60 minutes strength training
Sunday: 1425 Calories, ran 10km

Here is my food from yesterday:

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