Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 73 - Part Time Vegetarian

I think I've written in a previous post about how I eat less meat as a strategy to reduce calories. I could never cut out meat completely, because I love it way too much, but I exist perfectly happily eating LESS meat. I rarely have meat at breakfast or lunch, and at dinner I limit my portion size to around 100g and fill my plate up with veggies and healthy grains.

Somehow, I have managed to convince my husband that a weekly "vegetarian" night for the family is a good idea (or at least not a horrible idea). I have to say he was a little reluctant - and I found this exasperating! I had to promise not to feed him tofu or anything "strange"! He could still have meat at lunch if he wants, but I want to cook a vegetarian meal for the family once a week. Last night was our first vegetarian night!

I made this recipe: Penne with Roasted Tomatoes, Garlic and White Beans.

I reduced the olive oil, but other than that I made it the same. My husband and kids loved it! Although, I thought it was pretty funny that my husband went back for a second full size serving (he doesn't usually eat that much). I think it was psychological... he "thought" he was still hungry or should get more just because there was no meat... lol. He probably ended up with more calories than usual, so the whole vegetarian thing might not work out as well for him!

Here is what my day looked like. I went for a 5km run after dinner.

1 comment:

  1. I recently discovered the label "Part Time Vegetarian" and find it useful and empowering as a sort of half step to a healthier diet. Eating healthier is a process that is easy to start and with just a little effort can be very rewarding.
