Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 53 - Half Way There

I just realized that I am about half-way to my goal weight of 130. As in times before, when I start creeping up on my goal weight, I start to get anxious about the challenges that lie ahead with maintaining.

I want to be able to increase my calories intake in a controlled way. I think I could be very happy if I could eat between 1600 and 1800 calories everyday and maintain my weight. This is really hard to do though. Somehow, I feel like I've had a bad day if I eat that much (even if I burn it all off through exercise). Another problem that I have is when I start to increase my calories, this invariably leads to a few treats, which can be triggers (binge triggers!!).

I have to deal with this. I HAVE TO. I need a plan. I will work on developping it over the next few months that it will take to get to my goal. Something like this:

1. Increase calories slowly (e.g. add in an extra 500 calories spread over the week, and monitor weight, then repeat...).
2. Increase "weigh ins" from weekly to daily to better deal with lapses quickly.
3. Continue to count calories.
4. Keep up running.

I'm sure I will add more detail to this plan as I move along.

Here is what I ate yesterday. In terms of workouts, I did 60 minutes of weight training, and I ran back and forth to the gym (1.5km each way).

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