Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 46 - Explanations

One of the things that I hate most about being in "weight loss mode" is have to make explanations to people about...why I'm not drinking, why I'm not having dessert, why I'm turning down second helpings etc... Some people can be pushy when it comes to making you have a piece of birthday cake, or drinking... When you tell the truth and say that you're trying to lose weight, you get a variety of reactions. There are those that say, "What? you don't need to lose weight!" (yeah right)... and those that say, "everyone has to treat themselves sometimes" (yes that's true, but not EVERY occasion can be a treat), and then there are those that can be downright surly about it, why they care I do not know, but I can only guess that it might have something to do with guilt (they feel bad about what THEY are eating, when others around them are being mindful)... who knows.

Over the years, I have developed a number of explanations, to explain away the fact that I am not eating/drinking more without having to mention the word "diet" or "weight loss"...

(1) Smile and say "no thank you" (I always try this first, and then resort to one below, if the food pusher persists).

(2) I am the designated driver (this is a GREAT one to avoid drinking and my Husband loves it, because I ACTUALLY am the designated driver, and no one EVER argues with this one).

(3) I am on antibiotics and I can't drink (this is great too because no one EVER asks whats wrong with you...)

(4) I'm full, I couldn't eat another bite (this one sometimes causes some raised eyebrows, because most of my friends know that I can eat my weight in party food, if I want to...)

(5) Food Allegies, lactose intolerance (to avoid pizza) etc (this only works if you are being offered food by people who don't know you well).

BUT... I have now discovered the greatest explanation ever! It is not tied to dieting, or really any lie at all, and people don't question it and it even causes sometimes people to react with admiration...

(6) I'm training for a half-marathon.

This works, most people have NO IDEA what is involved in training for a long run, so they don't question this. And its true that I am careful about what I eat/drink the night before a long run, because I don't want to upset my tummy.

I am going to dinner at my in-laws Saturday night, and doing a 12km run first thing Sunday morning, so I am going to try this strategy on my Mother-in-Law and report back next week.

Yesterday was a good day. It was a light workout day (only 60 minutes of weight training) and I ate well. I made an omelet for dinner.

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