Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 72 - Away for Weekend

There is a long weekend coming up here, and we have plans to be out of town for the three days. This is my first "vacation challenge" since I started losing weight back in May.

We are going to a cottage with a bunch of friends. We all bring our tents and camp around our friend's cottage... and we generally all bring our own food and snacks. My strategy for the weekend is to basically pack the exact same foods that I would eat at home. I will measure everything out at home, so I don't have to measure and weigh things in front of an audience. The only thing I will do differently than at home... is drink. I won't drink any alcohol until after dinner... some of our friends drink beer, literally, ALL day long at the cottage. Not me! I will drink club soda during the day, and light beer at night. I won't get too hung up on the calories in the beer (a girl's gotta have some fun once in a while).

I will try to get in some exercise too. Saturday morning, before we head up, I am running in a 10km race (that should take care of Saturday's beer!). Sunday, I will try to swim and stay active. Monday, we are coming home, so I probably won't do any drinking that day... and I will try to run when I get home. I am missing my 16km training run since I will be away from home on Sunday... so I really should try to make up for it...

Also... I am going to miss my weigh in on Monday morning because I am not bringing my scale camping! I have been "weighing" my options:

1 - Weigh myself on Tuesday when I get home. Pro: it is closer to my actual weigh-in day and it will help keep me accountable on the weekend. Con: I might not like what I see on the scale after all that beer!

2 - Weigh myself on Saturday morning before I leave. Pro: it will give me until the following Monday (9 days) to recover and get all that beer out of my system before I have to weigh again. Con: It might make me feel like I have license to be BAD!

I can't decide what to do. I am leaning towards #2, because I feel pretty strong and don't think I will go completely crazy. Likely, I will end up weighing myself at both times (Friday and Tuesday), and recording the best weight of the two here... lol - is that cheating?

Last night I made some yummy quesadilla's for dinner. I love quesadilla's and you can make them very healthy at home, I sprayed the outside with a touch of cooking spray and browned them in the oven. I put some white beans in mine, but the rest of the family had roasted chicken leftover from Sunday night's dinner. Here is what it all looked like:

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