Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 57 - Makes me Wonder

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One thought that usually keeps me going the entire way through my weight loss effort is the hope that when I am at my goal weight, that I might be able to figure out my appropriate calorie intake for maintenance, and that my calorie intake might be a little higher than what I am eating during weight loss.

Right now, my calorie target is 1300 per day, and if I average my intake out since day one on this eating plan, I've averaged 1389 per day (77791 divided by 56 days). This even includes a few days of serious over-indulgences. I am hoping that when I reach maintenance I will be able to increase the average to somewhere between 1600-1800.

But here is what makes me wonder... I weighed myself Friday and Saturday mornings and weighed 145.8 and 145.4, respectively. I was really good with my eating both days (in the 1200's). On Sunday morning, again 145.4. Great! Then on Sunday, I did a 10km run, burned a TON of calories, and I ate a little more (1425). I KNOW that I still had a calorie deficit that day! 1425 less the calories I burned running for 65 minutes?? Had to have been a deficit, right??

So Monday morning, I get on the scale... 146.0 (up more than 1/2 pound). Don't get me wrong, this doesn't really bother me, but it DOES make me curious.... what will happen when I try to increase my calories to about 1400-1500 everyday? Because that is what it will take to get an average of about 1600 (to account for occasional high days). If I ate another 1425 today, what would happen? Another small gain? And then another tomorrow? Does that mean, I can't EVER eat that much? (that is a sobering thought).

This is something that I really need to sort out, if I have any hope of making this weight loss stick! I have to learn to regulate my weight, and make adjustments as I go along. But my adjustments have to be in response to overall trends, not daily fluctuations... I need a system, and a plan!

Here is what I ate yesterday, we had some yummy grilled halibut for dinner. For dessert we had angel food cake (which is VERY low cal) and ice cream. I made a compote of stewed rhubarb to spoon over the ice cream. It was delicious!

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