Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 59 - Pad Thai - DAMN IT!!

I'm having Pad Thai for lunch today, and THAT's THAT!!!

I haven't had a treat, or a "high" day since June 22! I've been invited to lunch today with a girlfriend and we are going to a Thai restaurant. Thai food is one of those things that seems healthy because there are lots of veggies etc... and I suppose that it IS good for you, it can also just be very caloric! Some say that Pad Thai is one of the things you should avoid at Thai restaurants (and I know that a clear soup with veggies and shrimp would be better), but Pad Thai is one of my favorites. I spent a little time yesterday on the internet trying to figure out just how BAD it really is (Bad Thai? LOL). The thing I learned is, if made traditionally, like it is in Thailand, it is probably not that bad. Pad Thai should have - rice noodles, some protein (shrimp, tofu, chicken etc), egg, bean sprouts, fish sauce, tamarind, garlic, dried chili, lime, sugar, crushed peanuts and some oil for stir frying (give or take a few ingredients depending on the recipe). I guess the key is the amount of oil that used, and the amount of peanuts that are heaped on top...

I found a range of nutritional information from about 350 calories (too low!) to over 2000 calories at Boston Pizza (probably not very authentic). Since I am ordering a lunch sized portion, I am going to guess for my logging that mine will be about 700 calories (I may adjust depending on how greasy it seems to be and how big the portion is)...

So, my plan is: 300 for breakfast, 700 for lunch, 300 for dinner. If the meal is HUGE (and I suspect its closer to 1000 calories), I will eat half for lunch, and save half for dinner: 300 breakfast, 500 lunch, 500 dinner.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it at all, except that my husband and I have a "date night" planned for tomorrow night at a fancy restaurant, and I was kinda planning to splurge then too!!! And I know from experiences that splurges (which are different from binges!!) aren't harmful unless you let them pile up back to back...

Here is what I ate yesterday:

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