Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 64 - Weigh-In

So, as I've already written about several times... last week I had two meals out in restaurants. This made me a little nervous as I didn't want to mess up my weigh-in (normally scheduled for Mondays). So to try to lessen my anxiety, I weighed myself Thursday morning, before my first lunch out, then Friday morning before my second meal out, and then again on my regular Monday (yesterday).

Here is what it looked like:

I like to track things like this. I still lost weight even after my lunch out for Pad Thai on Thursday.... but I was very very careful about my lunch and dinner, and I probably still had a deficit for the day. On Friday, I ate a lot of food at dinner (close to 2000 calories). No deficit (apparently). Still, if I had not weighed myself AT ALL midweek last week, and just weighed in on Monday (like I am supposed to) I would have been down 1.6lbs and I would have been pretty happy about that. Overall, I think this is good, to eat a huge meal like I did on Friday, and still lose for the week is OK in my books. It's obvious though, had I not splurged, I would have recorded a bigger loss. I think that this bodes well for maintenance. It just proves that you can have your treats within reason and not gain all your weight back. WITHIN REASON being the important part!! :-)

Here is what I ate yesterday...

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