Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Past Week

I am always impressed when I read people's blogs and they have lost large amounts of weight. I admire their persistence and willpower. But something that REALLY impresses me is when I read about people who have lost weight, and then maintained their loss for a period of time...

I'm not sure that getting one week of maintenance under my belt is really cause for too much celebration, but it does feel like somewhat of an accomplishment to me. In the past I have usually started the upward trend just as soon as I hit my low weight, so I have already exceeded my previous efforts. I cannot remember ever embarking on this quest to increase my calories and figure out my maintenance level as I am doing now... and it has been interesting. I increased 100 calories a day (to 1400) for the first week and I still lost about 2 lbs. So, this week I am increasing another 100 (to 1500). After 4 months in and around 1300 a day, this just feels like a lot of food! I'm nervous, but excited to see how much I am actually able to eat each day to stay around this weight.

So, following my first week in maintenance, here is a recap:

Mood: Tentative.
What I did well: Weighed in everyday and got my increased calories from healthy foods, not junk.
What I could improve: My attitude towards food. It is not bad to eat more if your body needs it!!
Weight: 126.8
Goals for upcoming week: (1) Increase calories to 1500; (2) Weigh each day; (3) Maintain exercise level.
Things to watch out for: Binges. Binges mess up maintenance because I embark on a cycle of binge/calorie deficit/binge/calorie deficit.... and never get to actually eat at maintenance.

Here is what I ate yesterday (I am still playing around with the best time/meal to add in my extra calories and yesterday I added to my lunch and had an afternoon snack):

1 comment:

  1. Your still in the stage where your body is trying to find it's set point. When you figure oout exactly what you can eat, the rest is easier. I find that as long as I keep my activity level up, I can eat anywhere from 1800-2000 to maintain. I usually keep it at 1700 -1800 during the week and allow it to go up a little more on weekends. If I splurge on day (holiday, special event) , I keep it to about 1600 -1700 for a few days afterward to keep myself balanced. You will be surprised at how much you can eat and still stay at your goal weight ! But keep doing what your doing , because your getting to know your body, and it is the best way to learn what it needs , and how it reacts to different amounts of food !!!!! Your doing great ! And about the binge thing.....your going to find that you are physically not capable of the same binge behavior you had in the past ...... the amount you are manage to put away will leave you sick ! I am talking as a dog! And a food hangover the next day to boot !!!! Trust me, one bout of that will have you off the binge stuff for life !
