Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 115 - Powerless to Stop Making Mistakes

You know how it feels when you KNOW you are going down the wrong path but you just can't seem to do anything about it?

That's how I feel right now about reaching my goal weight.

Let me explain. My goal weight is 130. Last week I was hovering right around 130 and then one day (when I was being sneaky and weighing myself on a NON-weigh in day) the scale dipped to 129.6 and then one morning to 128.0!! Woo Hoo. BUT, I didn't post about it. It wasn't my official weigh-in day (that was supposed to be Monday), so I decided to wait... I stayed on my reduced calorie intake thinking that since I was going away for the weekend eating in restaurants, it wouldn't be a good time to start increasing.

So then I had a pretty awful weekend eating wise. So, I skipped my weigh-in. I reasoned that I just want to get the extra water retention and bloating under control and THEN I'd weigh myself... (anyone else hearing warning bells going off yet??)...

Since I've been home, I am back on track (which is one good thing at least), but I still haven't weighed myself... I just want to undo the damage first. I feel OK now. The bloating is almost gone. My clothes still fit.... what's my problem? When do I get officially switch to maintenance?

Here is what I ate yesterday. Also did a 7km run (about 40 minutes at a good pace).


  1. Take the plunge ! I bet you anything that you at your goal righ this very minute !!!!!

  2. You are good ! Yes those would be Reese's Puffs ! I love them too ! I bought them for my niece when she comes over , but I dip into them every so often ! :)
