Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 128 - My Other Blog

I have a major confession, and all you people who read this blog (all three of you) have to promise to keep this a secret, before you read any further....




OK, read on...

Mommy Your Bum Jiggles isn't my only blog. I've been cheating on my other blog. The other blog, is sort of like my alter ego. It is a food blog! Gasp! This one is about eating less, that one is about eating more...LOL, I never claimed that I didn't have "issues"!

My other blog has been on the go since 2007, and I get quite a lot of traffic there (495 subscribers). My other blog readers don't know about THIS blog, and since the other blog is all about decadence and treats, I think I'll keep it that way... I used to post new recipes there almost everyday, but I found it was causing me to gain weight. Now I post less frequently (and I get tons of e-mails from readers asking why). I often cook desserts for my blog and I don't eat them (that can be hard). Sometimes I post healthier recipes, but for the most part when I am eating healthy, I eat a lot of the same things over and over, but that just doesn't make for very good food porn for my other blog.

Here is the link, if anyone is interested, but don't go over there looking for healthy eating inspiration!! Some of it is certainly healthy, but some is decadent too...

Janet is Hungry

Yesterday, I did an hour of weight training at the gym, but I decided to take an additional day of rest from running following my half marathon. I don't have sore muscles, but my legs just feel a little tired. I ate well yesterday, although, it felt like I was eating CONSTANTLY with all those snacks!

1 comment:

  1. Your other blog is awesome , thanks for sharing ! You know , now that you are maintaining , you can indulge in your ecipes and just have a small portion ............... just a thought :)

    I think both blogs are great !
