Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 110 - Off to Montreal

Well I am off today to Montreal for the bachelorette party. I won't be able to post until Tuesday (which will be my weigh in day instead of Monday).

Here is my plan for the weekend:

1. Wake up EARLY and run 7km - (check)
2. Eat my normal breakfast before we leave - (check)
3. Pick a healthy lunch wherever the girls decide to go (e.g. salad with no dressing, sandwich with mustard etc) - (check)
4. Dinner - I don't know where we are going yet, but I will apply my healthy choices (e.g. fish or chicken, grilled not fried, tomato sauce not cream etc) - (check - had seaweed salad and sushi)
5. Wine with dinner, beer at bar (just 1) and DANCE DANCE DANCE to burn calories!) - (check)

1. Continental Breakfast included with Hotel (try to pick fruit and cereal OR fruit and toast) don't eat more than I would eat at home.).(check - fruit with bagel and peanut butter)
2. Lunch at LaRonde (amusement park). This could be tough (lots of unhealthy stuff), but I noticed there is a Subway. I'll try for Subway, or a grilled chicken burger etc wherever the girls want to go (I will bring a fruit in my purse).).(check - grilled chicken burger... they grilled my chicken in the deepfryer, but that was NOT my fault)
3. Dinner on Saturday (I already chose from the on-line menu): Appetizer of Grilled Octopus and Main Course of Grilled Salmon with vegetables and potato. IF everyone else is having dessert I'll order ice cream or sorbet, if not, I'll just get coffee.) - (not good - had rack of lamb and mojito and dessert and bread)

1. Continental Breakfast (repeat above) - (check)
2. Lunch. If on the road home pick something less than 500 calories, if at home eat regular. (not good - McDonalds had about 800 calories)
3. Afternoon, meet up with my friend to get in my 20km training run - (check)
4. Pick Husband up at airport (he's in New York City getting into trouble with the boys) and then stop for dinner (Subway?) and then pick up kids from the Grandparents - (not good had burrito - 815 calories)

1. Weigh in and hope for the best!! (not good - too scared)
2. Spend three hours trying to calculate the calories on all of the above. (check - even though I knew it would be bad)
3. Write my blog (and hopefully it won't be a post full of "confessions") (sigh)

Wish me luck!! And have a great long weekend everyone!!

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