Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 142 - One. Hundred. And. Forty. Two. Wow.

One hundred and forty two days... it sounds like a lot, but it's not. It's only 20 weeks, or about 5 months of consistent healthy habits. When you think about it, I've got to keep this up for about 15,330 more days (I figure when I hit 80, I'll "let myself go" and start eating what I want again... LOL).

15,330 days, is anyone else depressed yet? Sorry to be a downer, but I was eating my healthy bowl of oatbran this morning for breakfast, and don't get me wrong - it was delicious with almond milk, mashed banana and a bit of molasses and sliced almonds on top... but I looked across the table at my husband who had four thick slices of lovely sourdough toast with butter and creamed honey on two and butter and molasses on the other two.... and I thought, that is my dream breakfast! I did a quick mental calculation of the calories... (roughly 700-800). My husband never seems to gain an ounce, and I thought, boy.... life is unfair!

But it's OK, really, I've only got about 15,300 days to go.... then I can go crazy with the sourdough toast slathered with butter and molasses and honey.... I can hardly wait... :-)

Here's my eats from yesterday:


  1. Just think , if you had eaten the sourdough toast ...... you probably would have felt bloated and gross, your energy level would drop within an hour (from the carbs and sugar itake) and you would be starving for more ! It really isn't worth it if you look at it in those terms ! Plus you look amazing ..... that's worth something too. Yes eating healthy and living an active lifestyle is important , but let's be honest feel great to know that you look hot !!!!!!!

    BTW : Your post about your dinner last weekend inspired me to make a healthier choice this morning when we went out for breakfast !!!!!!!

  2. 15300 left? Yikes, that thought can go either way. Really happy I have that many days left, or a little bit depressed. Like you - I'm going to choose happy and healthy!

  3. Ack! Men! My husband can do the same thing and not gain or worse, LOSE! Life is unfair!

    You are doing a terrific job with your weight loss efforts! Very inspiring :)
