Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 91 - Not Eating ENOUGH!

I never ever in a million years thought that I would have this problem, but sometimes I do...

I know that some people (e.g. my DAD!) think that counting calories is ridiculous and obsessive, but for me it really really helps. It helps not only to ensure that I am not eating too much, but also to ensure that I am eating ENOUGH!! Each day I try to eat between 1300 and 1400 calories (a little more on long run days), and I never ever like to dip below 1200...

On Saturday, I was busy all day and at my Mom and Dad's for dinner. So although I weighed and wrote everydown down and I felt full, I didn't get a chance to input everything to Calorie King until Sunday afternoon. Oops! I didn't eat enough Saturday! I even said "no thanks" to dessert at my Mom's (she served Rhubarb Crisp with Vanilla Frozen Yogurt)... turns out I probably could have had a piece! Darn it!!

This morning was my weigh in and I was down to 133.8, that is 3 lbs in one week which I know is bordering on too fast... still my goal weight is within sight, and I just want to get there! (yesterday!!)...

Overall, the weekend was very good, and I did two training runs (10km on Saturday and 12km on Sunday)...


  1. Congratulations on the weight loss! That is a lot in one week, but just be careful with your food intake. Too little isn't good either is it?

    Excellent on the training runs. Wow!

  2. great job pressing toward your goal!
