Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 37 - Rest Day

I took a rest day from exercise yesterday, I didn't really feel like I deserved it, because of my big binge-fest on Monday. But when I look back I haven't had a day off from exercise in a while, and I don't really believe in punishing myself for binging (by starving myself or over training)... I just need to dust myself off and get back on the horse. If I did some damage, well the worst case scenario might be that it will take me one whole extra week to get to my goal weight. In the big scheme of things, this is not a huge deal. The biggest risk of damage caused by occasional binging is to my motivation.

Ironically, Monday night after all that senseless overeating, somebody in my running group remarked that I'd lost weight. It was the first person to note it aloud. This is always a little milestone. But instead of being really pleased, I was just sitting there thinking about all the crap I had eaten that day. Good news... if I still looked like I lost weight (even after eating all that food), then I guess I still had. You can't gain all your weight back in one day of bad eating... even if it was REALLY BAD. So, I'm back on track and looking forward to making more progress...

Yesterday was a good day eating wise. I didn't do any activity, but I am running and weight training tonight. Here is what I ate:

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