Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 36 - Accidental Free Day

Every once in a while I wonder about the merits of having a "planned cheat day" each week in order to help me deal with my cravings (and supposedly boost my metabolism). But then I realize that it's just not a good idea for me, the "accidental cheat days" are bad enough, I can't imagine if I planned them too...

Yesterday, I was traveling on business, which is a HUGE issue that I have to deal with. I ate a good breakfast, skipped all the baked goodies at morning meeting break, but the lunch was just so yummy and delicious looking that I took a generous amount AND a dessert. This would not have been a big deal at all, had I stopped there! But, I didn't, I somehow convinced myself that I should just eat what I want for the rest of the day and get back on track in the morning.

When I sat down this morning to try to figure it all out, I came in over 4000 calories for the day! This completely mucked up my daily average for last week! The worst part was... my Mom had a party for her 65th birthday on Saturday, and I was totally good. I didn't drink, only had two bites of appetizers, deprived myself of the delicious looking dessert... and for what??? So I could mess it all up closet eating crap two days later???

I know it would have been much more sensible to indulge within reason at a special event like my Mom's party and NOT like I did yesterday. Plus, I just feel like crap today because of it, my stomach is bloated and I feel yucky.

There is some good news: (1) I weighed myself yesterday morning (before the binging) and I was down to 152.0, (2) Despite all my overeating, I still went out for my 5km run, and (3) I'm back on track with my eating today (even though I actually don't really feel like eating at all!)

I am hoping that if I am good the rest of the week, I can still see some progress, although, I won't expect much of a loss.

Here's my summary from the weekend:

Friday: 1203 calories (6km run)
Saturday (Mom's Party): 1534 calories (60 minutes weight training)
Sunday: 1326 (9km walk)
Monday: Best Guess.. 4287 (5km run)

Weekly Average: 1722

I'm not posting a food log from yesterday, it would be too long... but here are a few of the things I binged on... toast with butter and peanut butter, cinnamon toast, chips with cheese dip, chocolate bar, shortbread cookies...

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