Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 25 - Stake in the Ground

I find that when I am on a diet, it is always helpful to have a stake in the ground somewhere. Something to work for. I know that some people argue against this... that you should just aim to live a healthier lifestyle for yourself, and not for others (or for your vanity)... But my philosophy is, if there is something that can provide you with extra incentive and motivation, then use it.

Right now, I have a couple of things that I see out on the horizon that are helping to motivate me to stay on track. June 20 my Mom is having a 65th birthday party. I know it's not far enough away to make a material difference to how I LOOK, but it can make a difference to how I FEEL. And I want to go to this party feeling GOOD. If I'm on track and doing well, I will feel thin, even if I pretty much look the same as I do now. I could potentially lose 4 more pounds before the party, and that is something to strive for.

Another, longer term incentive that I have is the wedding of a friend coming up near the end of September. I am hoping to have reached my final goal by that date.

I also have a non-diet related goal, and that is to run a half marathon. I am planning to sign up for a half marathon on October 11. I have a running partner with lots of marathon experience, and I have already been running for just over a month.

Here is what I ate yesterday:

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