Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 23 - Still clinging to Wagon

I haven't posted for a few days, but I don't want anybody to think it is because I have fallen off the wagon, I haven't (not completely - I am being dragged behind the wagon, but I think I can still climb back on).

Sometimes life just conspires to get in the way of this blogging and posting business. So, I don't have time to put post the details of everything that I ate from Friday to Saturday, but I will give a recap.

Friday - Great Day, I consumed 1251 calories and went for a 4.5km run.

Saturday - I had a dinner out with a group of friends to celebrate a birthday, I was very mindful of what I ordered, and think I did good considering my options. I had shrimp cocktail to start, baked salmon for dinner, a piece of chocolate birthday cake and two glasses of wine. My total came to 1929 for the day (my best guess).

Sunday - I ate 1174 and walked 10km at a pretty good clip.

Monday (weigh in day) - I weighed myself first thing and was down another few to 155.6, which is great, BUT.... I was out of town on business and went out for dinner again. This time I didn't do so great. I ordered cheesecake and my total came to 2576 (although I did run 5.5km in the morning).

Weekly Average (with my two not so great days): 1519. Still overall most likely a calorie deficit. So I'm OK with that.

Tuesday: This was my worst day since I've been on this diet. I did good in the hotel with my breakfast (oatmeal with raisins), but somehow starting at lunch I kind of derailed a bit. I ate too much, had cookies, then ate too much dinner at home, and had chips and salsa before bed. My total came to 2454. Hopefully, spread across the week, my average will still be OK, and I will still post a loss next Monday.

So, in summary, my business trip wasn't really a success, I succumbed to some indulgences. I ate things when I wasn't really hungry for them, and I made some bad choices. Luckily, it was only 1.5 days (three bad meals in total), so as long as I get right back on track today, the damage shouldn't be too bad.

This is exactly the sort of thing that I need to address moving forward. As long as I have days when I overeat like this, I can't just eat normally the rest of the time (I have to eat at a deficit to recover). For example, if I was on maintenance and let's say for arguments sake, my maintenance calories are 1800 per day... then I go on vacation, or out of town and I eat 2500 for a few days. I will gain weight. It's all about the numbers and I KNOW that, it just doesn't make it any easier...

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