Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 15 - Weigh In (Weekly vs Daily)

Yesterday was my weekly weigh in day. I always prefer weigh myself weekly rather than daily. When you are losing weight, stepping on the scale only weekly allows the progress to be more apparent; and when you are maintaining (or trying to maintain), weekly helps to avoid those ever annoying daily fluctuations that can be so discouraging.

On my last few diets, my weekly weigh in day was Friday. My reasoning was that my best days for healthy eating are usually Monday to Friday, and by weighing in on Friday, I have the rest of the following week to make up for any indulgences that I enjoy over the weekend.

This time, I decided to challenge myself a little more and make my weigh in day on a Monday. This means I have to pay a little bit more attention on the weekend. Or maybe it will mean that my weigh in day won't actually always reflect my lowest weight, but as long as the trend goes DOWN over time, I don't see how that will matter much.

Since I've started this diet, I have had two weekends where I have loosened the belt (pun intended) a little on Saturdays for various reasons - eating more than 400 over my daily target calories. I was back on track on Sunday, and by my Monday weigh in.... all was OK, both weeks I posted a nice loss.

Here is my weekly recap:

Weigh in: 158.4 (10.4 loss)
Daily average Calories: 1316
Daily average exercise minutes: 40 minutes

.... and of course, what I ate yesterday (I had a snack after dinner, even though I don't normally let myself eat between meals. This was because I did 1.5 hours of exercise, and I was low in calories. The post workout snack hit the spot!):

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