Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 156 - Charting Progress

I love creating little charts and gizmos to record and track my progress, and I could spend countless hours doing so (it's OK, it's time well spent...I could be EATING instead!!). I have created the line graph below to illustrate my weight fluctuations since I hit maintenance.

The red line on the chart represents my danger zone weight (130), if I touch that line, my plan is to go back into diet mode until I'm below. The blue line is my actual weight, see it going up and down? The green line is the "trend line". According to this "trend line", if I continue to eat and excercise as I have been, on December 16, 2012, I will weigh ZERO. I might have to buy another new wardrobe...

Seriously, though I really don't want to dip below 125... (I should add another red line on my chart at 125)... everytime I hit that line, I increase my calories to adjust...


  1. I love tracking like that too! It helps me see things a little clearer. Congratulations on your weight loss!

  2. It really looks like you are more in the weight loss mode instead of the weight maintenance mode according to the graph. I did the same thing for a while after I lost my weight. I lost a little bit more than I wanted to until I figured out exactly how much I could eat. I would add another line on your chart at your low weight. Then you can allow yourself to bounce around a bit.

    I have a 3 pound fluctuation that I allow myself. Whenever I hit that high number I watch what I'm eating for a day or too until it settles back down.

    I'm a numbers person like you apparently are, so your chart appeals to me!

  3. What a sexy post! hehe...I am a total chart and spreadsheet geek...I'm always making them for everything. Good on you for reaching maintenance...and geez girl, put another red line on there before you wither away to zero! lol
